This HOWTO describes how to setup a GNU/Linux box as an IPSec gateway and a Nokia VPN client as a road-warrior so that they can talk to each other. The protocol used is IPSec with RSA authentication.While most of the procedures described here are documented somewhere or other, I could not find them summarized under one roof, so I decided to do it myself.
To get this setup going, you will have to setup a certificate authority (CA) to issue certificates, hack the racoon IKE daemon to account for a problematic nat-t negotiation protocol by the Nokia VPN client, and configure both the racoon daemon and the Nokia vpn client so that they will be able to talk to each other and recognize the certificates.
This HOWTO assumes intermediate knowledge of GNU/Linux. You are assumed to know your shell, and have no problems in compiling packages from source. I do not assume any specific GNU/Linux distribution, just a 2.6.x kernel.
- openssl
- ipsec-tools modified for Nokia (see this post)
- possibly open the firewall to the IPsec packets (see this post)
- 2.6 kernel
(get it from Nokia)- Mobile VPN Client version >= 3.1
- A compatible phone
Setting up a certificate infrastructure
Generating CA certificate
First we need to setup a certificate authority (CA) to sign all the certificates used for authenticating the gateway and clients.# set certificate_dir to the directory you wish to keep all the certificates in: mkdir ${certificate_dir} && cd ${certificate_dir} # generate 2 2048 bit rsa key for the CA openssl genrsa 2048 > ca.key # generate the CA bookkeeping files mkdir -p demoCA/newcerts touch demoCA/index.txt echo "00" > demoCA/serial echo "00" > demoCA/crlnumber # generate the CA certificate and make link a hash to it openssl req -days 1825 -x509 -new -key ca.key > ca.crt ln -s ca.crt `openssl x509 -noout -hash -in ca.crt`.0 # generate the certificate revocation list (CRL) and hash openssl ca -gencrl -cert ca.crt -keyfile ca.key -out crl.pem ln -s crl.pem `openssl crl -noout -hash < crl.pem`.r0At this stage we setup a CA which has enough function to support all of our IPSec needs.
Creating the gateway certificates
We now create the certificates for our gateway: we create a 2048 bit key, make a request and get it signed by our CAcd ${certificate_dir} openssl genrsa 2048 > vpngw.key openssl req -new -key vpngw.key > vpngw.csr openssl ca -keyfile ca.key -cert ca.crt -in vpngw.csr -out vpngw.crt
Creating certificates for Nokia clients
For each client (or group of clients), we need to create a private key and certificate in a format that Symbian will recognize:cd ${certificate_dir} mkdir -p Nokia/vpn # key and certificate as for the client openssl genrsa 2048 > client.key openssl req -new -key client.key > client.csr openssl ca -keyfile ca.key -cert ca.crt -in client.csr -out client.crt # convert them into Nokia compatible format: openssl x509 -outform der -in client.crt -out Nokia/vpn/client.cer ## MUST enter an encryption passwd! ## openssl pkcs8 -outform DER -v2 des-ede3-cbc -topk8 -in client.key -out Nokia/vpn/client.key # convert the CA certificate into Nokia compatible format: openssl x509 -outform der -in ca.crt -out Nokia/vpn/ca.crtNote: you must supply an encryption password for the client key!
Setting up IKE on GNU/Linux
Use the following raccon.conf file as a template:#path to the certificate -- use the above defined certificate_dir path certificate "/etc/racoon/certs"; ## uncommend to get a lot of debug output #log debug; #option of controlling racoon by racoonctl tool is disabled # substituted the network address of the relevant (external) interface here listen { adminsock disabled; isakmp [500]; isakmp_natt [4500]; } #remote section – anonymous address of road-warrior client #any change in this section should be reflected in the Nokia vpn policy file remote anonymous { exchange_mode main; certificate_type x509 "vpngw.crt" "vpngw.key"; ca_type x509 "ca.crt"; verify_cert on; proposal_check claim; generate_policy on; nat_traversal on; dpd_delay 20; ike_frag on; passive on; verify_identifier on; my_identifier asn1dn; peers_identifier asn1dn; #agreement proposal in IKE first phase proposal { encryption_algorithm aes 256; hash_algorithm sha1; authentication_method rsasig; dh_group modp1024; } } #SA information for IKE second phase #any change in this section should be reflected in the Nokia vpn policy file sainfo anonymous { pfs_group modp1024; lifetime time 1 hour; encryption_algorithm aes; authentication_algorithm hmac_sha1; compression_algorithm deflate; } ############################################################# ## local network information ## change the settings in this section to suit your own network setup mode_cfg { #starting address of the IP address pool network4; #maximum number of clients pool_size 20; #network mask netmask4; #authentication source – user database on the system auth_source system; #configuration source – from data given in this section conf_source local; #DNS and WINS servers IP addresses dns4; wins4; #banner file – welcome message banner "/etc/racoon/motd"; }Things to remember
- At the top of the file, set "path certificate" to the path of your CA and vpngw certificates
- You would mostly need to change the things in the mode_cfg section to suit you own network. Other sections should be good as-is.
- The "remote" and "sainfo" sections are especially tailored to fit the nokia vpn profile, so changing them will induce a change in the nokia vpn policy.
Setting up the Nokia VPN policy
The Nokia VPN policy file is really a zip archive containing two configuration files (.pol & ..pin), the client key and certificate and the CA certificate. We will construct this archive in the ${certificate_dir}/Nokia/vpn directory. The contents of the directory:- my-vpn.pin: policy information
- my-vpn.pol: policy configuration
- ca.crt: CA certificate. See above for info on how to create
- client.cer: client certificate. See above for info on how to create
- client.key: client key. See above for info on how to create
[POLICYNAME] My First VPN Policy [POLICYVERSION] 1.0 [POLICYDESCRIPTION] This is my first policy. Lets see if it works [ISSUERNAME] Me LTD. [CONTACTINFO] me@me.org, +44-11111111The policy configuration file contains all the config info. The following file is compatible with the racoon config given above:
SECURITY_FILE_VERSION: 1 [INFO] My First VPN [POLICY] sa my-vpn = { esp ## AES-256 encrypt_alg 12 max_encrypt_bits 256 ## SHA-1 auth_alg 3 identity_remote src_specific hard_lifetime_bytes 0 hard_lifetime_addtime 3600 hard_lifetime_usetime 3600 soft_lifetime_bytes 0 soft_lifetime_addtime 3600 soft_lifetime_usetime 3600 replay_win_len 0 ## prefect forward secracy (see also IKE section) pfs } remote = { my-vpn(**GATEWAY_IP**) } inbound = { } outbound = { } [IKE] ADDR: **GATEWAY_IP** IKE_VERSION: 1 MODE: Main ID_TYPE: 9 REPLAY_STATUS: FALSE USE_MODE_CFG: TRUE IPSEC_EXPIRE: TRUE USE_XAUTH: FALSE USE_COMMIT: FALSE ESP_UDP_PORT: 0 SEND_NOTIFICATION: TRUE INITIAL_CONTACT: TRUE USE_INTERNAL_ADDR: TRUE DPD_HEARTBEAT: 90 NAT_KEEPALIVE: 60 REKEYING_THRESHOLD: 90 GROUP_DESCRIPTION_II: MODP_1024 ### Proposal PROPOSALS: 1 ENC_ALG: AES256-CBC AUTH_METHOD: RSA_SIGNATURES HASH_ALG: SHA1 GROUP_DESCRIPTION: MODP_1024 GROUP_TYPE: DEFAULT LIFETIME_KBYTES: 0 LIFETIME_SECONDS: 86400 PRF: NONE ### CA CAs: 1 FORMAT: BIN DATA: ca.crt ### CLient credentials OWN_CERT_TYPE: USER OWN_CERTS: FORMAT: BIN DATA: client.cer PRIVATE_KEY_FORMAT: BIN PRIVATE_KEY_DATA: client.keyNotes:
- Replace the 2 occurences of **GATEWAY_IP** with you actual gateway's IP
- Set USE_XAUTH=TRUE for another password verification before connection
- Set OWN_CERT_TYPE: DEVICE to allow for password-less access to the client key
zip my-vpn.vpn bioc-vpn.pin bioc-vpn.pol ca.crt client.cer client.keycopy the my-vpn.vpn to the phone and install it. There should be no errors reported.
Enjoy the VPN